Measures of Central Tendency

In statistics, a central tendency is a central or typical value for a probability distribution may also be called a center or location of the distribution. Most common central tendency measures are:
1.Arithmetic mean
2.Median and 

1.MEAN :

   Mean is nothing but " calculated average "


   Mean = ( Number of observations / total number of observations) 

                                    Mean=  (3 + 4 + 5) / 3 = 4.



       Median is "Middle value" in the given observations

Median for odd numbers


Median for even numbers


   "Most occurring value in the given observations".


    The main advantage of these are used to find the  location of the data but fails to describe the shape
     of the data


     Mean can be influenced by outliers so it is highly recommended to take Median value in case
     of analysis.
    For example the observations  are {2,3,2,3, 2,12} 

    Mean for the above observations is 4 but the median is 2.5
   So, if a question arises which one is good  whether mean or median  then  immediately you can say     "median" because it will never be  influenced by outliers"

